During his childhood, he fell in love. It was not that kind of ordinary love; it was different, “the sky love”. His eyes were looking towards the sky. The scene of overhung gorgeous clouds and twinkle stars capture his thoughts. This love has been leading him, through his journey from the childhood until now, to be passionate about his destination and look forward achieving it. This passion towards the sky triggered his interest in pursuing an engineering path and became later the crucial element in his decision to become a space engineer.
Islam Mansour is a passionate person about self-learning along his pathway of life. Mansour is a Space Engineer. His story started along the first decade of his life, mainly by his parents’ love which he was lucky to have. And his relatives and parents have been bringing toys (trucks, cars, etc…), and he was always wondering how it works and disassemble it.
Dr. Ahmed Zewail, Mustafa Mahmoud, and others inspire him along his way to love and adore science as gift that helps us to understand the universe around us. At the Astronomical Society of Mahmoud Mosque, they were lecturing about astronomy, observation and astrophysics. There, he observed the second solar eclipse that he remembers at 2009 and have learned how to build his first home made telescope. Moreover, he found his best teacher ever Mr. Ibrahim Yehia.